Full tree removal by means of dismantle of this Cupressus × leylandii due to a large crack in the main union of the tree.

Leylandii trees can be a real burden to most peoples lives and have a massive impact on your garden. This tree is no exception, not only does it dominate the garden it is planted in it also causes a massive headache for the neighbours. Which is never a good place to start if you all want to enjoy your own bit of the outdoors. It is a well known issue that lack of natural sunlight causes people to feel all sorts of effects, so the last thing anyone wants is to be plunged into darkness even in the middle of summer.

Where do you even start with tree removal?
First things first, access. We started by getting permission for the adjacent neighbour to use their driveway so we could gain better access to the tree and it would also allow us to fully tidy up after ourselves later in the day.
Secondly, we make sure we all know whats important, and that’s safety, always. We do a full rundown of how we will all safely remove the tree. You may ask “how many different ways are there?”, quite a few in fact. Tree removal is fairly straight forward for someone who is trained but there are many ways to go about the removal. In this instance the only safe way was to dismantle the full tree under rope and harness all the way to the ground.

On to the fun bit, getting on with the job. We had the fully canopy off the tree and out of the gardens within a few hours and fed through our chipper and carted away for recycling, the next part takes a bit longer. Dealing with all the timber not only takes time it also makes quite a lot of sawdust, and this tree was no exception as it towered some 50ft+ tall and was over 2ft wide at the base.

Once all the timber was cut and the tree was no more its time to tidy up, a combination of sheer arm work with a rake and brush gets most of it up, then a final polish with the blower clears more debris up than we tend to create.

How do you leave a job once you’re done?
All in all both gardens and the roadway outside were left cleaner than we arrived, which is always something we pride ourselves on.
As this was a tenanted property the final thumbs up came from the landlord who was very pleased with his decision to remove the tree and the job we had done for him.
Need more information?
If you would like to know more information about having your tree removed take a look at our dedicated page >>here<<. Or if you are a landlord and want to know more take a look at our commercial services.
You can also just contact us straight away via the Office or by Email.
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